Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The joy of working full-time in Chinmaya Mission

When I started working with CM full time it was just as a physiotherapist in the Community Based Rehab programme in Sidhbari (Himachal Pradesh).  Slowly I found myself getting involved in Alcoholics Anonymous, Mahila Mandals, and so on.  Before I knew it Pujya Guruji, Swami Tejomayanandaji had put me in-charge of the vocational training programme of sewing, handloom weaving and carpet making.  Imagine me, who knew nothing about clothing and fashion and someone who firmly thought that fashion was a waste of time and energy was suddenly in charge of teaching women how to bring out good quality clothes!  Life reminds us in its own way not to have strong likes and dislikes.  Always be open to do just about anything and if one is determined and has a desire then one can learn just about anything.  Nothing is impossible.  A person like me was soon interacting with designers from NIFT and the National Export Council for Handicrafts etc.  What a change.  Suddenly I also got to learn about the various art and craft forms of our great country.  
This is when I discovered the joy of creativity.  It was sheer ecstasy when one plans something and then sees the finished product particularly if the finished product far exceeds the original expectation.  I experienced this as a physiotherapist when Doctors would tell us that a particular patient can’t walk and be independent.  Within me I knew that it was not true because the patient wanted to walk and I knew the exercises if followed would get us to the goal.  The joy seeing the smile on the patient’s face as he / she took the first steps is indescribable...  I guess just doing something challenging successfully gives a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.
It is now almost 7 years that I have been working in CCMT and almost 11 years of working full-time in CM.  I must admit I found my job as a physiotherapist to be most fulfilling and satisfying as I knew I was improving the quality of life of a person.  But these last 10 years despite all challenges have been the most memorable and fulfilling years of my life to date.  I was reflecting why would this be...  What is it that gives me so much joy?  Why is it that I don’t have to drag myself to work?  Why is it that there is satisfaction?  What is it that drives me so that I can put in 18 hours a day and still have energy to do more (on many days)?  Why can’t others understand the joy in doing this and join me?
Many people do jobs to make money.  This of course is important.  However, gradually for those who have some money and basic comforts, the focus slowly changes to doing what one enjoys and feels satisfied with doing at the end of the day.  Money and material comforts cease to be the only yardstick for finding a job.

CM is a huge organisation that is spread throughout the world.  CM has touched the hearts of innumerable people.  We all have received so much.  If we don’t start repaying we will soon become slaves and debtors forever.  People love Gurudev, people love the Mission but still when it comes to committing to working for the Mission full time they hesitate.  Why?  I guess there are innumerable reasons like:
1.      Youth want to climb the career ladder and achieve something in their field.  They want to make it.  They want the financial security.  The Mission to some extent cannot totally provide this as people don’t see this as a career opportunity.
2.      Married couples need their social life and have to provide for a family.  Many feel awkward taking too much from the Mission.  Also living in an Ashram (if required) can be a challenge for many young people.
3.      People want to do something like this after they have been out in the ‘real world’ for some time.
4.      Most would rather do it after retirement.  However, a lot of time after retirement actually goes in either taking care of one’s health or spending time with one’s grand kids!

These are the main points I guess.  For me this sort of thinking just shows that people don’t really know Chinmaya Mission.  Guruji says again and again, ‘I don’t want your money, I want you’.  Though Guruji keeps saying, ‘Values are important, not valuables’ we still think it is more valuable to give the Mission our money than our life!  Usually we think that it is important to be humble when we donate for a charitable cause but Guruji taught me that even to accept anything given with love by someone requires humility.  So we should not hesitate if CM gives us a salary to do the work for CM.  Once this mental block is removed then it becomes easier to work for CM.  No one stops us from donating the excess back to CM!

I reflected on what was it that inspired me.  The answer was simple – it was Pujya Gurudev, His Vision and His Mission.  Vedanta itself was one of the greatest sources of inspiration.  I finally found that my hobby and pass time had become my full time passion and love.  In such a situation, exhaustion, fatigue etc don’t count.  One never feels like one is doing a job.  It is 24 hours of pure joy and bliss.  No longer did I have to work out how I was going to spend my precious 4 weeks of leave from work.  Now work and leave were all one!  Amazingly delightful! 

After spending 11 invaluable years in the Mission I finally feel that I am getting a vague idea of Pujya Gurudev, His Vision and His Mission.  It is so wide and all encompassing that it is mind boggling.  What is most amazing is that Guruji has it crystal clear in his mind.  Often he can’t understand why we don’t have this clarity.  How can we?  Where is the purity in our minds?

Anyways, I have discovered lots about CM.  The opportunities available are unending and that too in every field.  People wonder how can a spiritual organisation have opportunities matching those available in the corporate world.  But I say most corporates actually can’t match the opportunities available in an organisation likes CM.  Just think of the stats:
1.      300 branches worldwide.
2.      Over 80 schools in the country.
3.      If every centre which has property is seen as an office then CM has over 200 offices worldwide.  In addition, many Ashrams and temples all over the world.
4.      The number of staff would be mind boggling as we would have to include Acharyas in this list along with office staff, teachers etc.
5.      Over 800 publications!  Which MNC has such wide variety of activities?
6.      Managing web portals like chinmayakids.
7.      Social activities are the fabric of the organisation – CORD is inseparable from CM.  Most MNCs try to contribute in some way to society.  But this is not part of their culture.
8.      A well-equipped hospital in Bengaluru.
9.      A Research Institute which is one of the best of its kind in the country – Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF).
10.   Innumerable eCourses successfully being carried out.
11.   An organisation which has made a TV serial – Upanishad Ganga.
12.   A school of Indian Classical Music and Dance – Chinmaya Naada Bindu.

Actually the list in unending.  And most importantly the sky is the limit for what can be done.  It depends totally on us.  This is one organisation where we are given total freedom to do what we feel is good for the organisation.  We can think big and do big too.  I feel that the opportunities available in CM for just about anyone in any field can be most challenging.  But it is totally up to the person concerned to take the initiative and go that extra mile.  CM members can work full-time in their own centres and don’t necessarily have to move if they can’t.  But still people are happier doing what is safe and secure than following the call of their heart and doing what they really want to do.  Let us try to follow the path less taken. 

Imagine if our Pujya Gurudev would have decided not to come down to the plains and teach Vedanta in English where would we be?  Would our lives feel complete?  Today the little feeling of completeness and satisfaction we have is because of CM in our life.  Still we hesitate to give our self to HIM.  We only want to give things we have.  HE gave HIMSELF to us and we like misers can’t give ourselves.  We are also frightened but this is not what Pujya Gurudev taught us.  Vedanta teaches us to be fearless and not be cowards.  What is the use of Vedanta if we can’t put it into practise?  Why can’t we quit and follow the call of our heart?  It can be a little frightening as we don’t know what is ahead of us in store for us.  Also what if it doesn’t work out and we have difficulties.  Any job is full of challenges and a boss anywhere can be tough.  We should just have faith and patience and be prepared for anything but not budge from our decision.  The Lord is there to look after us.  Why fear?  Let us do our job and let Him do His!  Trust me it is real fun.  Like being on a roller coaster ride in darkness.  You have no idea when you will go up or down.  But it is a lot of fun and you know you will be fine in the end so you just thoroughly enjoy the ride and the moment.  Why can’t we let go in life too?

For those who are atleast willing to try to follow their heart I strongly recommend Pujya Gurudev’s Sevaks’ Training Camp being held in Feb 2011 in Mumbai.  This camp will give them an opportunity to understand CM with the variety of job opportunities, express their concerns about working full-time in CM, interact with those who are already working full-time with CM, meet other likeminded people and finally understand the Vision of CM directly from Pujya Swami Tejomayanandaji himself.  Do consider this great opportunity and don’t hesitate to contact me for any clarifications or assistance.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Satsang with Param Pujya Gurdev - 12th Dec 1987

Hari Om Everyone!  Diwali Greetings to all!  Its been a long break but I shall attempt to get back to some sharing of precious moments with Great Masters...

Sat 12 Dec 1987 (taken from my diary of those days)

A very memorable day for me... many years ago of course now...  I was still a student of Physiotherapy then and used to go for the Adult Study Classes with mum to Kamdar Amma's house in Breach Candy.  I was the kid of the class!  That evening was the Geeta Class.  I had the loosies but still decided to go for the class.  Didn't want to miss out...  Reached  Amma's place with mum and was most pleasantly surprised when told that there would be no class as Param Pujya Gurudev was there at Amma's place!  Can you imagine the state of my mind.  Obviously I was simply thrilled and could have jumped for joy!

Pujya Gurudev entered the Hall, I prostrated and sat right at Pujya Gurudev's feet.  He started.  My mind was totally with my Gurudev and I know almost throughout the talk Pujya Gurudev's gaze was fixed on me (we all like to imagine this I guess!).  I felt that he was talking only to me.  I was no longer aware of the presence of others around me.  Gist of the talk now follows:

Pujya Gurudev started by telling us to remember that whatever we have - our body - diseased or healthy, our mind, our intellect - sharp or dull - everything is a gift from the Lord.  This is something we must never forget.  The Lord is the Giver and we the recipients, are His slaves.  When the son is dependant on the father, he has to do as his father says and abide by his wishes.  Similarly a sub-ordinate has to carry out the demands of his boss.  If the wife is the bread winner, the husband who is dependant on her is no longer the boss.  When the son grows and earns and supports his parents, though the parents say that he is the same naughty kid to them, they do have awe and respect for him.  In all situations the giver is always the boss and the recipient his slave.  We must always learn to give.  Whatever we have from the Lord must be utilised to its best extent and given back to the Lord, so that the Lord becomes the recipient.  When a child is giving chocolate to his father, however well dressed or important a status the father has, he must bend down and eat the chocolate despite the fact that it doesn't look tempting.  After eating he will even thank his child.  Similarly, whatever we do, if done well the Lord will accept and thank us.  Arjuna in the 1st chapter of the Geeta was in a terrible state.  He wasn't willing to give the best in him and therefore, he became and considered himself a slave.  The most important thing for all of us is to do our duty and to do it well.

I must say this lesson was most pertinent to me in those days.  I guess it still is.  But the message was strong and most appropriate for me.  It hit me strong.  I was after all studying to become a health professional.

I know we all have heard this very often and are aware of Pujya Gurudev's quote too on this topic - 'What we have is a gift from the Lord.  What we do with what we have is our gift to Him'.  But I still thought I would share this, as all moments with the Great Master are precious....  Following this brief satsang, two questions were asked.  The first was asked by one of the ladies present and the second by myself.  They will follow in due course...

Till then let us all learn to become givers and most importantly give ourselves totally to the Lord...  The joy of giving...

More to come...


Questions asked to Pujya Gurudev

One of the ladies present asked Pujya Gurudev a question.  She said that when she starts chanting her mind wanders away and she finds it difficult to bring her mind to concentrate on the mantra.  Gurudev replied saying that it is important for us at that time to raise our volume (mentally).  The chanting should be so loud that the mind is totally concentrating on that and can't wander.  Once this is done then we must try and meditate on the meaning of the mantra as well.

Great practical tips from the Master Himself.  I am sure all of us know all this but still it is a great reminder for me atleast... 

Now my question...

My question was that Arjuna was on the battle field and therefore, we can conclude that it was his duty to fight.  Also Lord Krishna was there to directly instruct Arjuna.  However, sometimes we are in such a dilemma that we are unable to decide what exactly is our duty.

Pujya Gurudev's answer most practical and useful.  I have used it many times. 

If we have to make a choice we must sit down and think.  While deciding, if we feel that there will come a time in the future when we will regret our decision, then we must not do it.  If we will not regret it, then we must definitely go ahead with what we have decided.

What an amazing day for me...  My heart was simply bubbling with joy.  Pujya Gurudev had this magical effect every time on me and if anything the pull became stronger after every meeting.  He often used to joke and call me all sorts of names implying that I was a gone case!  Well now I am happily trying to be totally gone!  I can only smile and close my eyes and thank the Lord for His Grace and Blessings...
